Testimonials – Piano Teacher

“Frau Moudanioti nimmt sich die Zeit, mir, einem über 70jährigem absoluten Musik-Laien, ein Gefühl für Musik und das Instrument zu vermitteln und dies in einer individuellen Form, die mich nach jeder Unterrichtstunde mit neuer Begeisterung nach Hause gehen lässt. Das ist eine ganz feine Arbeit!”

Ambrosius Kirchner, Frankfurt

“Ioanna hat mir mit ihrer freundlichen, positiven und genauen Art in kurzer Zeit schon viel beigebracht und Spaß und Motivation am Klavierspielen vermittelt. Das gilt sowohl für technische Elemente als auch den emotionalen Zugang zur Musik. Als jemand, der zwar als Kind schon gespielt hat, aber eine lange Pause hatte, habe ich eine super Lehrerin gefunden!.”

Martin K., Frankfurt

“Wer Ioanna kennenlernt, erkennt von Anfang an, dass sie Feuer und Flamme für ihren Beruf ist. Sie schafft es jede Stunde sich in ihre Schüler reinzuversetzen und Schwierigkeiten zu erkennen und überwinden. Ihre sympathische und menschliche Art machen es einem sehr einfach sich voll und ganz auf das Instrument einzulassen und vor allem ihr als Lehrerin zu vertrauen. Wer die Musik und vor allem das Klavier liebt, ist bei ihr gut aufgehoben..”

Elena, Frankfurt

“Ioanna’s lessons were very creative and they totally adapt to my necessities and my mood, being different every day. She took all the time we need to solve a problem. We could also discuss about other pieces that I was not playing which put my understanding in context and increased my motivation to continue playing. Ioanna’s lessons were very creative and they totally adapt to my necessities and my mood, being different every day. She took all the time we need to solve a problem. We could also discuss about other pieces that I was not playing which put my understanding in context and increased my motivation to continue playing.”

Isabel S.,Leuven

Every lesson helped me to bring to light my points of weakness and to solve them straight to the point. Very useful and productive.”

Federica, Leuven

“Meine 11jährige Tochter ist seit einigen Monaten bei Ioanna und es macht ihr großen Spaß, weil Ioanna auch Filmmusik (von Harry Potter) mit ihr auf dem Klavier spielt. Ich habe Ioanna beim ersten Treffen als sehr einfühlsam erlebt und kann sie sehr empfehlen.”

Mutter von Klavierschülerin, Deutschland

“Ioanna is a fantastic piano teacher who is willing to help each student where they are. She is patient, caring and really tries hard to give the student many ways of thinking about the concept so they really understand. Our son is happy to practice as Ioanna has provided music that is appropriate and exciting to play. Ioanna is highly recommended by us!”

Tianna, Mutter von Klavierschüler, Deutschland

“Ioanna Moudanioti ist eine liebenswürdige, sehr geduldige und kompetente Klavierlehrerin. Unsere Tochter (8 Jahre) hat viel Spaß am Klavierspielen und hat sich von Anfang an auf den Unterricht gefreut. Sie macht beachtliche Fortschritte und lernt spielerisch auch die zugrunde liegende Theorie. Wir sind froh, Ioanna als Lehrerin gefunden zu haben und empfehlen sie gerne weiter.”

Saskia, Mutter von Klavierschülerin, Frankfurt

“I have been playing piano for about 10 years as an adult. And my 8 now 9 year old son just started. We both have very good experience with Ms. Moudanioti. My son is not so easy to deal with and Ioanna is handling him and his piano learning very well – good progress and motivation. On my side, we both share Ioanna and I the passion for piano-everything (techniques, versions,…) so it is a real pleasure to reinforce my technical abilities with her. I am overall very happy with the teaching experience.”

Thomas R., Vater von Klavierschülern, Frankfurt

“Ioanna teached me everything from scratch, I had no idea of how to play an instrument or how to even read music scores. The way she makes me familiarise with all this and me seeing how I improve extremely motivates me to go further.”

Nadine K.,Leuven

“I’m a total beginner, and a rather busy one. However, Ioanna helps me push on with learning, keeping me motivated with interesting pieces to study.

Christina P., Leuven

“The lessons are really in-depth. The goal is not just to be able to play a piece in the shortest amount of time possible and quickly proceed to the next one. Simple well-thought-out exercises help to master a certain piece, but they’re also helpful to your overall technique.”

Leen Krieckemans, Leuven

The lessons are very engaging and fun. Ioanna knows how to motivate you and adapts the lessons to personal needs.

Toine Van M.,Leuven

“I initially thought that practicing several pieces at the same time would be frustrating. I now realize that it keeps the motivation high by often discovering new stuff, finding similarity (e.g. techniques) between them and having some choice when practicing home.”

Arthur M., Leuven

“Motivating, innovative and more like puzzle solving one music piece at a time… Introducing myself to this piano class is a whole different level of experience for me as a person who never played instrument before. Although it has been difficult at times, but I am beginning to delve into it more and more and enjoying myself.”

Hasnain, Leuven

“I feel compelled to write a glowing review for Ioanna, our piano teacher. From the moment we met her, it was clear that she possessed a special talent for nurturing young musicians and unlocking their true potential. Her dedication and passion for music have had an immeasurable impact on my daughter’s journey, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Superb piano teacher also for adults. I highly recommend Ioanna.

Paola F., Frankfurt