

Say YES to your Creativity, it is your birthright.

By |2025-02-26T11:17:19+00:00February 25, 2025|creativity, inspiration, learningmusic, Music, musiceducation|

Say YES to your Creativity!

We are all born creative—it is our natural state and a fundamental part of who we are. Below are all the scientific sources I have collected, which provide proof that all humans have the capacity to be creative.

Creativity is not only a gift but also a vital tool for personal growth and well-being. The way we nurture our creativity throughout life plays a key role in how much we enjoy and engage with the world around us.

As we grow older, life’s stresses and responsibilities can suppress our creativity, causing it to fade. The intensity and frequency of challenges, combined with how we process them, can create barriers to our creative expression. However, the good news is that we can always reconnect with our creativity! The key is making a conscious choice to do so.


No matter where you are or what you do, there are countless opportunities to infuse creativity into your daily routine. Small, intentional actions can help unlock your creative potential and keep your imagination alive.

Each person has their own path to rediscovering and strengthening their creative abilities. Here are some simple activities to help you reconnect with your creative side: is that we can always reconnect with our creativity! The key is making a conscious choice to do so.

No matter where you are or what you do, there are countless opportunities to infuse creativity into your daily routine. Small, intentional actions can help unlock your creative potential and keep your imagination alive.

Each person has their own path to rediscovering and strengthening their creative abilities. Here are some simple activities to help you reconnect with your creative side:

  • Take a different route to work, exploring new paths and perspectives.

  • Wake up an hour earlier to do something enjoyable just for you.

  • Organize a fun event with colleagues.
  • Reduce screen time and engage in conversations with loved ones.

  • Try knitting or another hands-on craft and create small gifts for friends’ children.

Creativity is always within you—you just need to say YES to it!

My sources that provide scientific evidence on creativity being an inherent part of the human brain:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):

Neuroscience of Creativity A comprehensive overview of neuroscientific research on creativity, examining genetics, brain structure, and function. Concludes that creativity involves multiple interacting brain networks, making it a universal human trait. mitpress.mit.edu

Creative Connections: Computational Semantic Distance Captures Individual Creativity and Resting-State Functional Connectivity

Used computational methods to analyze how the brain generates novel ideas. Found that creativity relies on interactions between different brain regions, reinforcing the idea that creative potential exists in everyone. direct.mit.edu

Harvard University:

Can Memory Be Related to Creative Cognition? Featured in Harvard Magazine, this article discusses research linking memory processes to creative thinking. The study suggests that the ability to generate new ideas by recombining information in novel ways is a fundamental aspect of human cognition, indicating an inherent capacity for creativity. harvardmagazine.com

Music- valuable life lessons over the years

By |2022-05-10T08:50:52+00:00May 9, 2022|inspiration, learningmusic, Music, musiceducation, musictips, Psychology|

Appreciation for the Musical Journey 

I have been playing the piano for more than 20 years. This incredible journey has taught me (and still is) uncountable life lessons. The joy of finally getting in the flow of Music and enjoying it during a performance or in my practice room, as well as all the moments that made me feel challenged and frustrated, led to shaping my personality in a way that life kept becoming more joyful for me.

Following my passion to get better and better each day as a musician has had a strong influence not only on my musical outcome but on my life in general. Learning Music has changed how I think, feel, and act, and I know it is the same for many people. 

Playing Music is as old as human civilization is! There is a reason for that, and it is no wonder that Music has such a strong impact on us as performers and listeners.


Learning Music is guiding on how to live a more fulfilling life.

The Music:

  • keeps me constantly on my toes!
  • teaches me never to give-up
  • trains my patience and perseverance
  • reminds me to take nothing for granted
  • teaches me self-respect
  • alarms me to be always open to new ideas and always question my existing ideas
  • educates me on what beauty is
  • teaches me when to control and when to let go
  • reminds me that all is here and now
  • teaches me to know when to pat myself on the back
  • leads me to choose when to be analytical and when to go with the flow.
  • reminds me of the joyfulness of life
  • reminds me always to listen and that I always know deep inside me what to do.
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